
Amsterdam Chess Open 2024 Group B

The Amsterdam Chess Open 2024 is scheduled from November 1 to November 3. The tournament features nearly 500 competitors divided into 4 groups, A through D. All of them will compete in 6 rounds Swiss.

Group B consists of 135 players. The top contenders in the group include Johan Wuijts, Ed Baarslag, Alex Koelewijn, Jeroen Schoonackers and Ton Fasel. The list of participants for this group is available below.

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Participants list

Group # in group Name Title Rating FIDE Federation
B 1 Johan Wuijts 1994 Netherlands
B 2 Ed Baarslag 1993 Netherlands
B 3 Alex Koelewijn 1985 Netherlands
B 4 Jeroen Schoonackers 1983 Netherlands
B 5 Ton Fasel 1981 Netherlands
B 6 Paul Ophardt 1981 Germany
B 7 Jacco Heij 1979 Netherlands
B 8 Frans Arp 1975 Netherlands
B 9 Ahmed Wagdy 1973* Netherlands
B 10 Bram Knoop 1972 Netherlands
B 11 Ansgar Mohnkern 1968 Netherlands
B 12 Dirk van der Meiden 1968 Netherlands
B 13 Ismael Woudt 1968 Netherlands
B 14 Klaas Baker 1968* Netherlands
B 15 Scott Verschoor 1966 Netherlands
B 16 Rondo Mikko 1966 Estonia
B 17 Jasper Dekker 1963 Netherlands
B 18 Thomas Kaufmann 1958 Netherlands
B 19 Remco Hillebrandt 1955 Netherlands
B 20 Evert-Jan Straat 1955 Netherlands
B 21 Raghav Pathak 1951 Netherlands
B 22 Joaquin Aarts 1950 Netherlands
B 23 Philippe Krylov 1950 Netherlands
B 24 Alexander Blom 1950 Netherlands
B 25 Emilien Hallibert 1947* Netherlands
B 26 Olaf Ephraim 1945 Netherlands
B 27 Mark Beijen 1945 Netherlands
B 28 Ivan Ponomarev 1942 FIDE
B 29 Martijn Eefting 1941 Netherlands
B 30 Adi Makhmud 1941 Kazakhstan
B 31 Elysia Feng 1940 Netherlands
B 32 Luc Schiebroek 1940 Netherlands
B 33 Angie Pecorini 1938 Switzerland
B 34 Jimmy Geboers 1937 Belgium
B 35 Stone The White 1933 Belgium
B 36 Pieter Fritschy 1930 Netherlands
B 37 Job de Witte 1929 Netherlands
B 38 Job de Witte 1929 The Netherlands
B 39 Alexander Sleeckx 1928 Netherlands
B 40 Eemil Kaisto 1924 Finland
B 41 Ties Dumont 1923 Netherlands
B 42 Djad Maes 1922 Netherlands
B 43 Jasper Seelemeijer 1917 Netherlands
B 44 Rafik Mohamedjoesoef 1916 Netherlands
B 45 Krystian Krzempek 1912 Poland
B 46 Florian Bietz 1910 Germany
B 47 Mikhail Alekseev 1910 FIDE
B 48 Wim van Tuyl 1908 Netherlands
B 49 Ruben Piel 1907 Netherlands
B 50 Jonathan van Nie 1906 Netherlands
B 51 Koen Zuidberg 1906* Netherlands
B 52 Stan Kok 1906* AFTER
B 53 Baldwin van Beckhoven 1905 Netherlands
B 54 David Leitritz 1905 Germany
B 55 Jose Luis Marin Aso 1903 Spain
B 56 Kasper Doctor 1902 Netherlands
B 57 John Spinhoven 1902 Netherlands
B 58 Mark Bloem 1900 Netherlands
B 59 Lawrence Cohen 1899 United States of America
B 60 David Boersma 1897 Sweden
B 61 Leendert Hartgers 1897 Netherlands
B 62 Imanol Leorato 1894* France
B 63 Daan Heus 1892 Netherlands
B 64 Peter Bommel 1892 Netherlands
B 65 Baris Demirdelen 1887 Netherlands
B 66 Steve Michel 1887 Netherlands
B 67 Prayan Sai Kumar 1887 Netherlands
B 68 Jasper Boonstra 1886 Netherlands
B 69 Farmaan Mohammad 1884 Netherlands
B 70 Daniel Aziz 1882 Netherlands
B 71 René Pijlman 1881 Netherlands
B 72 Yannick Timar 1881 Netherlands
B 73 Fabio Pasti 1881 Italy
B 74 Jort Cornelissen 1881* Netherlands
B 75 Josephine Damen 1880 Netherlands
B 76 Francesca Garau 1879 Italy
B 77 Paul Winnubst 1876 Netherlands
B 78 Lorenzo Migliorero 1874 Netherlands
B 79 Gilbert Leentjens 1872 Netherlands
B 80 Yuriy Vintonyak 1872 Portugal
B 81 Adam Harkanyi 1872 Hungary
B 82 Simone Panero 1867 Italy
B 83 Krijn van Est 1867 Netherlands
B 84 Tjeerd de Leede 1866* Netherlands
B 85 Alexander Rogozyansky 1863 Netherlands
B 86 Sven Winter 1861 Netherlands
B 87 Niels Hoefsloot 1860 Netherlands
B 88 Maxim Teianu 1860 Netherlands
B 89 Levi Nies 1859 Netherlands
B 90 Max Quintus 1858 Netherlands
B 91 Ryan Busa 1858 Netherlands
B 92 Ruben Bloemhof 1857 Netherlands
B 93 Tim Ma 1856 Netherlands
B 94 Mink Muskens 1852 Netherlands
B 95 Burak Ozbas 1851 Turkey
B 96 David Stefansson 1851 Iceland
B 97 Cees van den Berg 1848 Netherlands
B 98 Nick Czorniczek 1848* Netherlands
B 99 Xiheng Zhang 1847 Netherlands
B 100 Felix Kuijken 1840 Netherlands
B 101 Arie Meruma 1839 Netherlands
B 102 Rowan Louter 1839 Netherlands
B 103 Morris Meeuwissen 1839* Netherlands
B 104 Marc Norden 1838* Netherlands
B 105 Ian Priem 1837 Netherlands
B 106 Rugved Adavatkar 1837 Netherlands
B 107 Brent Waersegers 1835 Netherlands
B 108 Bart Landolt 1834 Netherlands
B 109 Jeannot Tuijnman 1834* Netherlands
B 110 Tomás Gallardo Bañez 1834* AFTER
B 111 Enzo Garay 1832 Netherlands
B 112 Jan Willem Koelmans 1829 Netherlands
B 113 Jonah van de Poel 1828 Netherlands
B 114 Frank Wiendels 1825 Netherlands
B 115 Simon Plukkel 1824 Netherlands
B 116 Ralf Sterk 1823 Netherlands
B 117 Ivan Veselov 1822 Ukraine
B 118 Sercan Ulucan 1821 Turkey
B 119 Kwesi Menyah 1821* England
B 120 Chingthang Ngangbam 1819 Netherlands
B 121 Jung Min Lee 1818 Netherlands
B 122 Oleksandr Dolgopolov 1818 Ukraine
B 123 Husam Alhasan AFM 1817 Netherlands
B 124 Pascal Boittin 1817 Netherlands
B 125 Willem Kuiper 1817 Netherlands
B 126 Eelco Naarding 1817* Netherlands
B 127 Huseyin Yigit Yazgi 1816 Turkey
B 128 Pau Cartanya Caro 1816 Spain
B 129 Gokhan Yirtici 1816* Netherlands
B 130 Soheil Gain 1815 France
B 131 Rob Kotmans 1814 Netherlands
B 132 Sjoerd de Witte 1811 Netherlands
B 133 Rik Langeveld 1810* Netherlands
B 134 Daniel Heppt 1809 Germany
B 135 Niels van Happen 1803 Netherlands