
Merv Morrison Memorial 2024 LIVE

The Merv Morrison Memorial 2024 is being held from October 25 to October 28 in New Zealand in the Auckland Chess Centre. The tournament’s 21 participants will compete in 6 rounds of Swiss, with two rounds per day. The top players at the event include Alphaeus Wei Ern Ang, Leonard J McLaren, Hassan Roger Sadeghi and Kendrick Botong Zhang. The full list of participants is available below.

Live games of the Merv Morrison Memorial 2024 are brought to you in cooperation with Lichess.

Player Elo
FM Ang, Alphaeus Wei Ern 2345
FM McLaren, Leonard J 2054
Sadeghi, Hassan Roger 2048
CM Zhang, Kendrick Botong 2032
Jin, Yanbo 1977
Mao, Daqi 1959
CM Huang, Alex 1948
WFM Braganza, Nadia 1928
CM Ning, Isabelle Yixuan 1923
Huang, Ziyi 1904
Tanoi, Toleafoa Edward 1852
Liu, William Rui 1846
Baker, Ilias Angelo (Leo) 1846
McConnell, Jack 1810
Huang, Ziyu 1787
Preeyansh Roul 1729
Powlesland, Brogan 1698
Jiang, Patrick Di 1686
Guo, Anne Xuduo 1649
Sussex, Taylor 1636
Joel, Chris 1632